Milica Mirković is an alumna of the Master of Advanced Studies in Transitional Justice, Human Rights and the Rule of Law at the Geneva Academy and a Research Consultant at the Geneva Human Rights Platform.
She holds an LLM from Roma Tre University in Rome, Italy, where she graduated with a thesis in International Public Law on the subject of personal data protection.
She worked for four years and six months in the Secretariat-general of the Government of Montenegro. As an Independent Advisor at the Department for Coordination of Government Policies, she followed the development and monitored the quality of national policies in human and minority rights, gender equality, justice reform, internal affairs, security and defense.
Her background in human rights and democratization led her to the opportunity to participate in the One Young World Summit 2021 as one of the winners of the Peace Ambassador Scholarship supported by the European Commission.
Milica Mirkovic, Jennifer Victoria Scurrell
Geneva Academy of International Humanitarian Law and Human Rights