The African Human Rights Case-Law Analyzer
Main Functions
The African Human Rights Case-Law Analyzer uses UWAZI as its software to provide legal resources on the African human rights system.
The aim of the Case Law Analyzer is to:
- Facilitate access to human rights jurisprudence and legislation of the main mechanisms of the African human rights system: the African Commission on Human and Peoples’ Rights, the African Court on Human and Peoples’ Rights, the African Committee of Experts on the Rights and Welfare of the Child, the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS) Court and the East African Court of Justice. It does so by organizing information into diverse search formats and generating hyperlinks to relevant case law and legislation from various international and regional human rights systems – the African Union, and the United Nations, as well as European and Inter-American human rights systems.
- The Case Law Analyzer does not simply list decisions and instruments but presents them as interacting and interrelated texts to facilitate research friendliness and a better understanding of the web of textual and jurisprudential interaction in the African human rights system. It allows for an easy browsing experience and simultaneous consultation of instruments and mechanisms cited by direct links to related texts and documents.
- Lawyers, jurists, human rights activists and civil society organizations who work closely with individuals, groups and communities at grassroots levels to offer legal support in Africa
- Officials in domestic and regional judicial and quasi-judicial institutions in Africa
- Law and human rights researchers and students in Africa and beyond.
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