Main Functions

YourHRC is an online tool designed to provide country-specific information relating to cooperation, dialogue, leadership, and policy-making at the United Nations Human Rights Council (HRC). It seeks to promote transparency concerning the work of the HRC and the extent to which its members are fulfilling its mandate, with an eye to strengthening the visibility, relevance, and impact of the HRC, promoting its accountability, and ultimately, enhancing its credibility. To date, yourHRC has analysed 124 member States and tracked 9672 variables across 17 years.

YourHRC provides country-specific analyses of past and present HRC members and their cooperation with the HRC including information on the country’s history of membership, participation in debates and exchanges in the HRC, involvement in joint statements, principal sponsorship of resolutions, voting track record, and political leadership. The country profiles also provide specific information on engagement with the three human rights mechanisms i.e. Special Procedures, Treaty Bodies, and Universal Periodic Review. Additionally, yourHRC provides an interactive map, a tool designed to access and navigate relevant information such as historical and current membership of HRC and analyze patterns of membership over time and regions.

YourHRC also includes Election Guides which provide at-a-glance information on candidatures for upcoming HRC elections and a candidate alert feature which emails periodic alerts to stakeholders about candidate announcements and related developments. Furthermore, yourHRC includes end-of-year reports summarizing relevant information on member State cooperation and engagement with the HRC and its mechanisms over one year.


yourHRC is an initiative funded by Norway, and the tool has been developed and is administered by the Universal Rights Group.


yourHRC is designed to serve a range of users including UN agencies, governments and policy-makers, civil society, advocacy groups, national human rights institutions, researchers and academics, students, other stakeholders in the human rights field, and interested members of the public.

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