SIMORE Interamericano
Main Functions
The Inter-American SIMORE seeks to strengthen the follow-up carried out by the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights (IACHR) to monitor and promote compliance with its human rights recommendations to the Member States of the Organization of American States (OAS). Specifically, the Inter-American SIMORE was created to democratize the follow-up of IACHR recommendations and promote the participation of the different actors involved through an exchange of information between states, civil society organizations, national human rights institutions and academics.
To achieve this objective, it performs two main functions:
- [Open Access] Systematizing the recommendations issued through IACHR’s various mechanisms, it allows anyone to search for specific recommendations that are of interest, which can be linked to specific cases or structural issues. This search is done by applying specific criteria such as a population of interest, a particular topic, the year a recommendation was made, the type of measure recommended or the country to which it is addressed.
- [Registration Required] Allowing stakeholders involved in the follow-up processes of these recommendations to publish information relevant to their compliance. In doing so, it allows OAS Member States, civil society organizations, national human rights institutions, or academics to publish information relevant to compliance. This information may consist of compliance measures adopted (e.g., legislation, public policies, training programs or dissemination campaigns), main advances and challenges regarding implementation, compliance indicators and institutions involved. This information may also be published with respect to recommendations of a structural scope that are not related to specific cases.
The IACHR is in charge of systematizing and classifying recommendations in the Inter-American SIMORE. It authorizes the creation of accounts for users (see below) as well as the publication of the information reported by the different actors involved with respect to specific recommendations.
- The search function of the Inter-American SIMORE is open to anyone interested in being informed of the recommendations issued through the IACHR’s various mechanisms, as well as information relevant to their compliance.
- Only OAS Member States, civil society organizations, autonomous bodies and academics may publish information on compliance with specific recommendations via an Inter-American SIMORE user account.
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