Event information

6 June 2023, 18:00-20:00
Register start 1 June 2023
Register end 7 June 2023

A Conversation with Peter Maurer


Peter Maurer Peter Maurer

In a conversation with our Director Professor Gloria Gaggioli and the audience, Peter Maurer will share insights from his career as the former President of the International Committee of the Red Cross and former Swiss diplomat.

He will notably discuss today's application of humanitarian norms and principles, what he sees as today's main challenges in armed conflicts and how international humanitarian law can address them. A first-hand observer of humanitarian diplomacy and negotiations he will also discuss how law interplays with other imperatives in humanitarian negotiations and how he sees the future of multilateralism.

About Peter Maurer

Peter Maurer is a Swiss diplomat and was the president of the ICRC from 2012 to 2022. Under his leadership, the ICRC carried out humanitarian work in over 80 countries. Priorities for his presidency included strengthening humanitarian diplomacy, engaging states and other actors for the respect of international humanitarian law, and improving the humanitarian response through innovations and new partnerships.


The discussion with Peter Maurer will be followed by a reception


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