September 2025 - August 2026
Study Mode
Application start 4 November 2024
Application end 15 January 2025
Application end (with scholarship) 15 January 2025
Sandra Pointet / Geneva Academy
The tuition fee for the LLM in International Humanitarian Law and Human Rights is 18,000 Swiss Francs.
We offer a limited number of partial and full scholarships for the LLM. Partial scholarships cover tuition fees. Full scholarships cover tuition fees and living expenses in Geneva for 10 months. You can refer to the scholarship section for details about eligibility and application.
In order for their applications to be reviewed, all applicants must submit within the week following the submission of their application a non-refundable admission fee of CHF 100 via this link.
We offer scholarships to outstanding students who are unable to secure the funding required to cover tuition fees and/or the cost of living in Geneva.
Our three master’s programmes are organized around intimate learning communities enabling close interaction between students and professors.
According to international rankings, Geneva offers an excellent quality of life and is one of the most popular places to live.
Our objective is to produce graduates who will be leaders in the humanitarian, human rights and transitional justice fields.
The international environment of the LLM offers a unique opportunity to confront different realities and cultures. The size of classes for optional courses facilitates an interactive dialogue between the professor and students, which in turn produces a vibrant exchange and enables a practical analysis of the subject besides the traditional theoretical one.