September 2025 - August 2026
Study Mode
Application start 4 November 2024
Application end 31 January 2025
Application end (with scholarship) 15 January 2025
Sandra Pointet / Geneva Academy
You can apply for the Master of Advanced Studies in Transitional Justice, Human Rights and the Rule of Law via a straightforward, online form. If you encounter problems with your application, do not hesitate to contact us.
Please read the information in this section carefully before starting an application, as it will help ensure a quick and smooth application process.
There are two tracks through which you can apply:
Please note that you must choose one track or the other. If you apply through both, your application will be considered under the non-scholarship track. Successful applicants who applied without requesting a scholarship cannot subsequently be considered for a scholarship.
The online application is divided into the following four steps:
If you do not complete your application form in one go you have the following two options:
This document provides information about the technical issue to take into when applying online. It also proposes some solutions if you encounter problems.
The information you provide in the application form will be treated in the strictest confidence and will only be used by the Admissions Committee, scholarship donors and our parent organizations, the University of Geneva and the Graduate Institute for International and Development Studies. You can consult our Privacy Policy for more information.
All the documents required are specified in the online application form and have to be attached to your online application. Incomplete applications will not be considered. The applicant is responsible for providing all required documents.
Please do not send original documents, as all submitted materials become the property of the Geneva Academy upon receipt. Documents cannot be returned to the applicant nor forwarded to other schools or agencies.
You will need to bring your original diplomas and transcripts to Geneva if you submit non-certified copies with your application.
Use this checklist to make sure you have all the requested documents ready before starting your application.
In order for their applications to be reviewed, all applicants must submit within the week following the submission of their application a non-refundable admission fee of CHF 100 via this link.