Event information

3 July 2024, 13:15-14:30


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Digital Bridges to Justice: Enhancing Human Rights and SDG Monitoring through Innovative Technologies


Digital Justice Digital Justice


This panel discussion, held one week before the 2024 High Level Political Forum (HLPF) on Sustainable Development, will showcase the transformative potential of digital technologies in monitoring and implementing SDG 16, its interlinkages with other SDGs, and UN human rights recommendations. The event, co-organized with the Permanent Missions of Samoa and Germany to the UN in New York, the Pacific Community (SPC), UNDP and OHCHR will highlight best practices such as Samoa’s SADATA and OHCHR’s National Recommendations Tracking Database (NRTD), while discussing efforts by UNDP, the Pacific Community, and the Geneva Academy’s Geneva Human Rights Platform (GHRP) to bridge the gap between SDG and human rights monitoring through innovative digital solutions.

More specifically, the UNDP's 2022-2025 Strategic Plan and 2022-2025 Digital Strategy emphasize building inclusive and sustainable digital societies, despite acknowledging the inherent risks of digital technologies. UNDP’s recent paper on digital technology governance advocates for effective governance to mitigate these challenges. OHCHR has developed digital human rights tracking tools like the NRTD to enhance monitoring, implementation, and reporting of human rights and SDGs globally. IMPACT OSS, which powers SADATA in Samoa, is being adopted by several Pacific island states, linking Agenda 2030 with the work of UN human rights mechanisms. The Pacific Community is also developing a regional version of IMPACT OSS to facilitate country-level application while maintaining data sovereignty. The GHRP's new publication on the ‘Human Rights Data Revolution,’ examines such best practices and related challenges, through an in-depth study of digital solutions developed by and for different national and international stakeholders, linking human rights monitoring with SDG implementation.

In the era of digital transformation, leveraging technology for the advancement of human rights and the SDGs is not only innovative but essential. This event aligns with the in-depth review of SDG 16 at the HLPF 2024, focusing on promoting peaceful and inclusive societies, providing access to justice, and building accountable institutions.

Opening Remarks

  • Ambassador Fatumanava III Dr. Paolelei Luteru, Permanent Representative of Samoa to the UN in New York
  • Katy Thompson, Head of Rule of Law, Security and Human Rights, UNDP


  • Felix Kirchmeier, Executive Director, Geneva Human Rights Platform


  • Representative of Samoa’s Permanent Mission of Samoa to the UN in New York (TBC)
  • Katherine Liao, Human Rights Officer, OHCHR New York Office
  • Ashley Bowe, Chief of Party – PROJECT Governance, Human Rights & Social Development Division, Pacific Community - SPC
  • Domenico Zipoli, Project Coordinator, Geneva Human Rights Platform

Light Lunch

A light lunch will be provided before the event.


United Nations Headquarters, New York (Room CR5)


This event is open to those who have access to the UN Headquarters in New York.


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