Event information

26 June 2018, 12:15-14:00


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Universal Jurisdiction: Bridging the Accountability Gap and Providing Justice to Victims


Cover page of the 2018 Annual Report on Universal Jurisdiction Cover page of the 2018 Annual Report on Universal Jurisdiction

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This discussion follows the launch of the 2018 Annual Report on Universal Jurisdiction #UJAR: Make way for Justice #4 Momentum towards accountability, published by TRIAL International, with the collaboration of FIDH (The International Federation for Human Rights), REDRESS, the European Centre for Constitutional and Human Rights and FIBGAR.

The report highlights how universal jurisdiction is increasingly used all around the world to ensure accountability and justice for victims of serious international crimes such as torture, war crimes, genocide and crimes against humanity. In 2017, national authorities in Europe, Africa and Latin America examined 58 cases involving 126 individuals and entities suspected of such crimes, illustrating how universal jurisdiction can fill an accountability gap that international courts and tribunals cannot address alone.

Opening Remarks and Moderation

  • Robert Roth, Director of the Geneva Academy


  • Paola Gaeta, Professor of International Law at the Graduate Institute of International and Development Studies and Adjunct Professor of International Law at Bocconi University, Milan
  • Hanna Lemoine, Prosecutor in the War Crimes Unit of the Swedish Prosecution Services
  • Raphaël Jakob, Swiss lawyer, specialized in international criminal law
  • Valérie Paulet, French lawyer and author of the report Make way for justice #4 published by Trial International

For questions, please contact: Valérie Paulet at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or Nathalie Mivelaz Tirabosco at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


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