Event information

2 May 2019, 12:30-14:00
Register start 8 April 2019
Register end 1 May 2019


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Starvation and Armed Conflicts

IHL Talks

Nigeria, a broken plate on the ground: Maiduguri, Jiddari Polo area. Items brought by displaced persons to represent the things they left behind. Nigeria, a broken plate on the ground: Maiduguri, Jiddari Polo area. Items brought by displaced persons to represent the things they left behind.
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This IHL Talk, co-organized with the International Bar Association's War Crimes Committee and the Oxford Programme on International Peace and Security will examine the prohibition of starvation under both international humanitarian law and international criminal law. It will also address the humanitarian consequences of starvation in contemporary situations of armed conflict.


  • Federica D'Alessandra, Executive Director, Oxford Programme on International Peace and Security and Co-Chair, IBA War Crimes Committee


  • Charles Garraway, Fellow, Human Rights Centre, University of Essex
  • Brian Lander, Deputy Director, World Food Programme
  • Matthias Lanz, Deputy Head of Section, Directorate of International Law, Swiss Federal Department of Foreign Affairs


 You need to register via this online form to attend this IHL Talk.

About the IHL Talks

The IHL Talks are a series of events, hosted by the Geneva Academy, on international humanitarian law and current humanitarian topics. Every two months, academic experts, practitioners, policymakers and journalists discuss burning humanitarian issues and their regulation under international law.

Using Starvation as a Method of Warfare and the Harmonization of War Crimes under the Rome Statute

Out Research Brief Harmonizing War Crimes Under the Rome Statute discusses the need to harmonize the list of war crimes that can be committed in international armed conflicts with those that can be committed in non-international armed conflicts, including using starvation as a method of warfare.


Starvation and Armed Conflicts

Watch the video and listen to the panelists who examined the prohibition of starvation under both IHL and ICL and also address starvation's humanitarian consequences.




Artwork: ‘PɇaceMaker’ by Goin News

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