Event information

4 September 2020, 15:00-17:00

Reactions to the Consultation Process of the 2020 Treaty Body Review


The Un General Asembly The Un General Asembly

Completing the current 2020 Treaty Body (TB) Review by the General Assembly, the Co-Facilitators, Morocco and Switzerland, are undertaking a consultation process to consider the state of the UN human rights TB body system. Via a call for written input and blended consultations in New York and Geneva, they collect state positions and evaluations of the implementation of resolution 68/268. The final consultation of this process is taking place on 28 August in Geneva.

This Geneva Academy Friday – exceptionally public and open to all interested stakeholders – will discuss the results of the consultation process and allow stakeholders, in particular, TB members and civil society to react to the areas highlighted by individual States and in particular by the co-facilitators in this process. The discussion shall serve as a de-briefing on the most salient points of the process and provide an additional opportunity for the co-facilitators to take into account the views of all stakeholders.


14:45 – 15:00: Welcome Coffee / Time slot to log in for remote participants

15:00 – 15:10: Welcome and Introductory Remarks

  • Felix Kirchmeier, Executive Director, Geneva Human Rights Platform

15:10 – 15:40: Areas of convergence – most prominent discussion points

  • Domenico Zipoli, Research Fellow, Geneva Academy
  • Hilary Gbedemah, Chairperson, CEDAW
  • Luis Ernesto Pedernera Reyna, Chairperson, CRC, and President of the Chairpersons
  • Patrick Mutzenberg, Director, CCPR-Centre / TB-Net

 15:40 – 17:00 Open Discussion

Technical Guidelines for Participation

This event will be held as hybrid meeting, with participation in presence at Villa Moynier in Geneva and online on the platform Zoom.

At Villa Moynier

Participants in Geneva are asked to announce themselves (domenico.zipoli[at]geneva-academy.ch), as the capacity of the conference room is limited to 20 participants to respect current regulations regarding social distancing. The wearing of a mask inside the premises is required.


For online participation, please click on the meeting link.

You will then be either sent to the waiting room (please wait to be accepted) or requested to download the app (if this happens just download it again and if it doesn’t open the meeting, just re-click on the link)

Lastly, you can also opt to open the meeting using the meeting number, open zoom, then join a meeting and type meeting ID: 883 1742 7213

We suggest joining the meeting room 15 minutes before the beginning of the first session, in order to make sure that the connection is working smoothly for everyone and to address any technical issue that might arise.

 Rules for those joining Online


When you join the meeting, your microphone is automatically muted. If you wish to speak, please unmute the microphone. We advise to unmute the microphone only during the time of your intervention and to keep it muted for the rest of the time, in order to avoid interferences or background noises.


If you wish to participate with microphone and video, please use the RAISE HAND feature; select manage participants from the bottom of your screen and at the bottom of the left column which will appear you will have a raise and lower hand option, and the moderator will give you the floor.


A chat box is also available and can be used to interact and ask questions. It could be used if one wishes to ask a question or in the instance the internet connection is not working well enough to participate in video/audio.

The chatbox can also be used to send and share documents with the participants – it suffices to upload the document on the chat box as an attachment and then press Enter.


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