3 June 2021, 15:00-16:30
Human Rights Conversations
Pete Linforth/Pixabay
One central aim of a functioning national human rights system is to coordinate national data collection on the monitoring and implementation of recommendations from the international human rights system.
As states are struggling with an increasing burden related to the monitoring, implementation and follow-up of recommendations – from UN treaty bodies, special procedures and the Universal review Process – while also monitoring progress on the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), a series of new online databases precisely aim at facilitating a more holistic approach at coordinating the efforts of all relevant national human rights actors.
This online Human Rights Conversation will discuss the value of these tools, focusing on their specificities and highlighting common strengths and weaknesses towards a most efficient tracking of national human rights standards and policies.
Panelists will notably consider specific digital human rights tracking tools developed by different stakeholders and will address some of their benefits, including:
This online Human Rights Conversation discussed the value of new, innovative, online databases aimed at facilitating a more holistic approach to national monitoring and follow-up of international human rights recommendations.
Human Rights Conversations are a series of events, hosted by the Geneva Human Rights Platform, aimed at discussing contemporary issues and challenges related to the promotion and protection of human rights in Geneva and beyond.