Event information

19 November 2021, 14:00-17:30


Programme >

2021 Current Issues in Armed Conflict Conference

Current Issues in Armed Conflict Conference

Destroyed buildings in Harasta, Syria Destroyed buildings in Harasta, Syria

The 2021 Conference on Current Issues in Armed Conflict will address two contemporary challenges and issues related to armed conflict: the classification of non-international armed conflicts in which a myriad of armed non-state actors – which might fight against a common enemy or create coalitions and umbrella organizations – are involved; and cyber conflicts.


The Conference is organized around the following two panels:

  • Panel 1: Aggregating Violence: Quo Vadis?
  • Panel 2: Cyber Conflicts

Discover the programme and panelists.

About CIAC

This annual conference – initially co-organized with the University of Essex – provides a space for experts and practitioners, diplomats, academics, and civil society representatives to discuss the legal and policy issues that have arisen in the past and the current year in relation to armed conflicts situations. It builds on our Rule of Law in Armed Conflicts (RULAC), a unique online portal that identifies and classifies all situations of armed violence that amount to an armed conflict under international humanitarian law.


2021 Current Issues in Armed Conflict Conference

In the 2021 edition of the Current Issues in Armed Conflict Conference, panelists addressed two contemporary challenges and issues related to armed conflict: the classification of non-international armed conflicts in which a myriad of armed non-state actors are involved; and cyber conflicts.



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LLM students pleading at the Geneva Academy News

LLM Students Plead on IHL Violations in Gaza and the West Bank

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Half of the class of our LLM in International Humanitarian Law and Human Rights pleaded on 20 April on the current armed conflict in and around Gaza.

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Surveillance Camera Project


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Computer screen with warning: civilian infrastucture: do not attack Project

The Digitalization of Armed Conflict

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This project will explore humanitarian consequences and protection needs caused by the digitalization of armed conflicts and the extent to which these needs are addressed by international law, especially international humanitarian law.

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Artificial Intelligence And Related Technologies In Military Decision-Making On The Use Of Force In Armed Conflicts: Current Developments And Potential Implications

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