Event information

3 December 2021, 14:30-16:00

GHRP Friday: Nominations, Elections and Membership


Vote Vote

Transparency is considered a key element in the nomination and election process of United Nations treaty body (TB) members. Many states have started inclusive processes of national nominations, NGOs lead a transparency initiative involving all candidates and there are also parallels to be drawn from nomination processes in place for other international judicial or quasi-judicial bodies.

This GHRP Friday will focus on good practices and potential modalities to be introduced globally in the nomination and election process for new TB members.

About the GHRP Fridays

The GHRP Fridays provide an opportunity for all stakeholders to discuss the results of the United Nations (UN) Treaty Body (TB) 2020 Review and practical ways to implement change. They are open to all interested delegations, TB members, staff from the Office of the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights and civil society.

This event series of the Geneva Human Rights Platform – co-organized with the Permanent Missions of Belgium, Canada, Costa Rica, Morocco, Switzerland and Uruguay to the UN in Geneva – aims at discussing the outcomes of the 2020 UN Treaty Body Review.


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ILGA World Logo News

In Highlight: ILGA World Database

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Via its DHRTTDs Directory, the Geneva Human Rights Platform provides a comprehensive list and description of such key tools and databases. But how to navigate them? Which tool should be used for what, and by whom? This interview helps us understand better the specificities of the March highlight of the directory: ILGA World Database.

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