Event information

28 April 2022, 14:00-15:30


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UN Human Rights Mechanisms and Mega Sporting Events: The road to FIFA World Cup 2022 and 2023

Human Rights Conversations

Football game, Wembley Football game, Wembley

Mega sporting events (MSEs) such as the FIFA World Cup involve considerable human rights implications, including the rights of citizens in the host countries, the fundamental freedoms of athletes, journalists and spectators, and the rights of workers involved in construction sites and supply chains. As such, monitoring by United Nations (UN) human rights mechanisms is essential for responsible MSEs.

This Human Rights Conversation will address the following questions, in light of recommendations issued by different UN human rights mechanisms and human rights-specific policies introduced by FIFA:

  • How have UN human rights mechanisms addressed the human rights implications of the upcoming FIFA Men’s World Cup 2022 in Qatar and FIFA Women’s World Cup 2023 in Australia/New Zealand?
  • What are the steps taken by tournament organizers to implement their human rights policies, following the reported human rights controversies related to the latest and upcoming editions of the FIFA World Cup?

By focusing on the human rights implications of hosting FIFA World Cup tournaments, this discussion wishes to highlight outcomes and challenges of human rights monitoring and offer reflections on what can be improved toward fully responsible MSEs.


  • Mary Harvey, Chief Executive, Centre for Sport and Human Rights


  • Domenico Zipoli, Research Fellow and Project Coordinator, Geneva Human Rights Platform


  • François Crépeau, Hans & Tamar Oppenheimer Chair in Public International Law,  Faculty of Law of McGill University and former Special Rapporteur on the Human Rights of Migrants
  • Vasilka Sancin, Director, Institute for International Law and International Relations of the University of Ljubljana and Member of the UN Human Rights Committee
  • Justine Nolan, Professor at the Faculty of Law and Justice at UNSW Sydney and Director of the Australian Human Rights Institute
  • Najwa Al-Thani, International & Public Relations Senior Manager, Supreme Committee for Delivery & Legacy

About Human Rights Conversations

Human Rights Conversations are a series of events, hosted by the Geneva Human Rights Platform, aimed at discussing contemporary issues and challenges related to the promotion and protection of human rights in Geneva and beyond.


UN Human Rights Mechanisms and Mega Sporting Events – the road to FIFA World Cup 2022 and 2023

This Human Rights Conversation discussed the monitoring of mega sporting events, such as the FIFA World Cup, by UN human rights mechanisms.



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