Event information

18 September 2017, 12:15-14:00


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Side Event and Book Presentation: Fighting Corruption with a Human Rights-Based Approach


Caravana por la Transparencia Caravana por la Transparencia

Logo of Bolivia

Corruption has been recognized throughout the United Nations (UN) system as one of the main challenges to sustainable development and the realization of human rights.

The Human Rights Council (HRC) recognized that ‘transparent, responsible, accountable, open and participatory government, responsive to the needs and aspirations of the people, is the foundation on which good governance rests, and that such a foundation is one of the indispensable conditions for the full realization of human rights’.

Additionally, as the Office of the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR) finds, in recent years, a number of international documents signed under the auspices of both the UN and regional organizations have acknowledged the negative effects of corruption on the protection of human rights and on development.

UN human rights mechanisms are increasingly mindful of the negative impact of corruption on the enjoyment of human rights and consequently of the importance of effective anti-corruption measures. The HRC and its Special Rapporteurs and Universal Periodic Review Mechanism, as well as human rights treaty monitoring bodies (notably the Committee on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights and the Committee on the Rights of the Child) addressed issues of corruption and human rights on numerous occasions.

Experiences and best practices at the national level can show the opportunities that exist in the promotion of transparency and the fight against corruption for the protection of human rights through the construction of institutionality.

In this side event panelists will:

  • Present the book ‘Construction of Institutionality’
  • Address the conceptual relationship between human rights, good governance and anti-corruption
  • Discuss the negative impact of corruption on human rights, especially the rights of children
  • Provide guidance and make practical recommendations for effectively using human rights mechanisms in anti-corruption efforts and vice-versa.


  • Felix Kirchmeier, Manager of Policy Studies, Geneva Academy


  • Ambassador Nardi Suxo Iturry: Presentation of the book ‘Construction of Institutionality’ and example of the Bolivian Ministry on transparency and the fight against corruption
  • Renate Winter, Chairperson of the Committee on the Rights of the Child (CRC): Experiences of the CRC on the plight of corruption for children
  • Richard Lapper, Human Rights Officer at OHCHR, currently Visiting Researcher at the Geneva Academy: Possibilities and limits of a human rights based approach to fighting corruption
  • Martin Zapata, International Anti-Corruption Academy: Collective Action as an alternative mechanism against corruption


Interpretation in Spanish – English will be provided.

 Sandwiches and Light Refreshments

Sandwiches and light refreshments will be served ahead of the side event, from 12:00 to 12:15



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