23 October - 27 November 2024
Application start 5 August 2024
Application end 9 October 2024
Fee: 1250 Swiss Francs
UN Photo
This online short course dwells on the means of international law-making (treaties, customary international law, unilateral acts, general principles of law etc.).In other words, the course looks at the sources from which public international law rules stem and at the entities that are empowered with the capacity of law-making in the international legal order.
It aims at enabling participants to develop a global perception of the international normative system and to get them acquainted with the role played by international norms in regulating international relations.
This is an online short course.
Classes will take place online during lunchtime on:
This short course forms part of the Geneva Academy Executive Master in International Law in Armed Conflict. It is open to professionals – diplomats, lawyers, legal advisers, judges, NGO staff, human rights advocates, media specialists, professionals working in emergency situations, UN staff and staff from other international organizations – who are not enrolled in the Executive Master and who want to deepen their expertise in this specific issue.
The fee for this short course is 1,250 Swiss Francs. In case of cancellation by the participants, CHF 200 won't be returned.
Participants obtain a certificate at the end of the course (no ECTS credits are gained).
Applications must be submitted via this online form.
Once admitted to the course, participants receive instructions on how to pay. Proof of payment is required before you begin the course.
Giovanni Distefano's areas of research and expertise include public international law, the law of treaties, state responsibility and use of force.
Online course
The course will be conducted online using the ZOOM platform.