Two Regional Consultations on the Future of the UN Treaty Body System

Regional Consultation for Easter Europe in Moscow Regional Consultation for Easter Europe in Moscow

21 November 2016

In the context of our Academic Platform on Treaty Body Review 2020, an academic process contributing to the 2020 review of UN treaty bodies by the General Assembly, we held two regional consultations, for Eastern Europe and Latin America.

The reports of the consultations will be published shortly.

Regional Consultation for Eastern Europe

The regional consultation for Eastern Europe took place in Moscow, Russian Federation, from 18–19 November 2016. Hosted by the Institute of Legislation and Comparative Law under the Government of the Russian Federation, it brought together academic institutions and academics from the region, as well as observers from governments and civil society. Participants discussed many aspects of the treaty body system including its currents strengths and deficiencies.

Regional Consultation for Central and South America and the Spanish-speaking Caribbean

The regional consultation for Central and South America and the Spanish-speaking Caribbean took place in San José, Costa Rica, from 19–20 November 2016. Hosted by the Inter-American Institute for Human Rights, the Inter-American Social Responsibility and Human Rights Institute, and the Columbia University, it brought together academics and experts from the region, as well as observers from governments and civil society.


world map in data lines News

New Publication Explores the Human Rights Data Revolution

2 April 2024

The Human Rights Data Revolution details the transformation which promises to enhance the effectiveness, inclusivity, and scope of human rights monitoring and implementation worldwide.

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Artwork: ‘PɇaceMaker’ by Goin News

Our 2023 Annual Report

8 July 2024

Our Annual Report provides an overview of the activity of the Geneva Academy in 2023.

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Digital Justice Event

Digital Bridges to Justice: Enhancing Human Rights and SDG Monitoring through Innovative Technologies

11 September 2024, 14:00-15:00

This one-hour side-event to the 57th session of the Human Rights Council aims to showcase the transformative potential of digital technologies in advancing human rights and SDG monitoring.

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Geneva Human Rights Platform Flag on Bridge in Geneva Event

2024 Annual Conference of the Geneva Human Rights Platform

5 November 2024

This public event, addressing the international community in and outside Geneva will highlight and discuss current issues and challenges in the work of Geneva-based actors, as they relate to human rights.

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Open dump Training

Protecting Human Rights and the Environment

2-20 September 2024

Participants in this training course, made of two modules, will examine the major international and regional instruments for the promotion of human rights and the environment, familiarizing themselves with the respective implementation and enforcement mechanisms.

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Garment workersto receive food from their factory during lunch time. This food is freely provided by their factory in order to ensure that workers eat healthy and hygienic food. Training

Business and Human Rights

2-6 September 2024

This training course will examine how the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights have been utilized to advance the concept of business respect for human rights throughout the UN system, the impact of the Guiding Principles on other international organizations, as well as the impact of standards and guidance developed by these different bodies.

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View of a session of the UN Human Rights Council Project

Human Rights Conversations

Started in January 2020

A series of events aimed at discussing contemporary issues and challenges related to the promotion and protection of human rights in Geneva and beyond.

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Session of the UN Human Rights Committee Project

Treaty Body Review 2020 and Beyond

Started in January 2018

The Geneva Human Rights Platform contributes to this review process by providing expert input via different avenues, by facilitating dialogue on the review among various stakeholders, as well as by accompanying the development of a follow-up resolution to 68/268 in New York and in Geneva.

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Cover Page of Research Brief Publication

Sending Up a Flare: Autonomous Weapons Systems Proliferation Risks to Human Rights and International Security

published on August 2024

Leif Monnett

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Cover of the 2023 Geneva Academy Annual Report Publication

Annual Report 2023

published on July 2024

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