Our Research Fellow Dr. Zipoli contributes to new book on the Domestic Institutionalisation of Human Rights

Cover of the Book Cover of the Book

25 August 2021

The new edited book on the The Domestic Institutionalisation of Human Rights (2021, Routledge) has just been published. 

Building on the work done by the Geneva Human Rights Platform in relation to the UN Treaty Body (TB) Review 2020, our Research Fellow Dr. Domenico Zipoli contributes to this book project with a chapter on the engagement between TBs and National Human Rights Institutions (NHRIs).

“Although exploring the effectiveness of TB–NHRI engagement presents inherent difficulties – Dr. Zipoli suggests - this chapter proposes such evaluation against the backdrop of a goal-based approach to organisational effectiveness. This approach may facilitate the development of a framework for understanding the relations between TBs and key stakeholders, such as NHRIs, in view of a possible harmonisation of procedures following the 2020 Review process".

The Domestic Institutionalisation of Human Rights

This book edited by, Stéphanie Lagoutte, Sébastien Lorion and Steven L. B. Jensen, explores recent developments pointing towards a ‘domestic institutionalisation of human rights’, composed of converging international trends prescribing the setting up of domestic institutions, and the need for a national human rights systems approach. Building on new compliance theories, innovative arrangements have resolutely appeared around the turn of the millennium and some are now legally enshrined in human rights treaties.

You can purchase the book on the Routlege website, a 20% discount is available here.


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