2016 Annual Report

Coverpage of the 2016 Annual Report Coverpage of the 2016 Annual Report

12 June 2017

Our 2016 Annual Report  is out! It provides an overview of our activities and achievements.

An Intense and Busy Year

2016 has been an intense and busy year for the Geneva Academy with:

  • The launch of our new Master of Advanced Studies in Transitional Justice, Human Rights and the Rule of Law
  • Our first win of the Jean-Pictet Competition
  • The Launch of a new series of events, the IHL Talks
  • The appointment of our Swiss Human Rights Chair as UN Special Rapporteur on Torture
  • Innovative research projects on universality in the Human Rights Council or armed non-state actors
  • The launch of a new website and visual identity

Having an Impact

Through our distinctive mix of education, research, platforms and convening power, we continued to disseminate legal knowledge, inform policy recommendations, support practitioners, and provide a critical and scholarly forum to discuss and debate topical issues in international humanitarian law, human rights and transitional justice.


quadcopter drone News

New Report Highlights Risks Posed by Autonomous Weapons Systems Proliferation to State and Non-State Actors

21 August 2024

Our latest research brief, 'Sending Up a Flare: Autonomous Weapons Systems Proliferation Risks to Human Rights and International Security' examines the proliferation of autonomous weapons systems and consequent risks to security and human rights.

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Panel panel ‘(Dis)respecting International Humanitarian Law in today’s armed conflicts: monitoring and reporting’ at the 2024 European Humanitarian Forum News

IHL in Focus Featured at the 2024 European Humanitarian Forum

25 March 2024

Our new research project IHL in Focus – launched at the beginning of the year – has been presented and discussed at the 2024 European Humanitarian Forum, a major yearly event convened by the European Union focusing on prominent humanitarian issues and challenges.

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Cover page of the book Event

Book Launch - International Law and the Principle of Non-Intervention: History, Theory, and Interactions with Other Principles

7 October 2024, 18:30-20:00

In this book launch our Swiss IHL Chair, Professor Marco Roscini, will discuss the main findings of his new book on the principle of non-intervention with leading experts.

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Digital Justice Event

Digital Bridges to Justice: Enhancing Human Rights and SDG Monitoring through Innovative Technologies

11 September 2024, 14:00-15:00

This one-hour side-event to the 57th session of the Human Rights Council aims to showcase the transformative potential of digital technologies in advancing human rights and SDG monitoring.

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Short Course

The Law of Non-International Armed Conflicts

6-21 February 2025

This online short course discusses the protection offered by international humanitarian law (IHL) in non-international armed conflicts (NIACs) and addresses some problems and controversies specific to IHL of NIACs, including the difficulty to ensure the respect of IHL by armed non-state actors.

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Yemen,  Sana'a, Faj Attan district. Destruction. Short Course

The Rules Governing the Use of Force in International Law

14-23 May 2025

This online short course provides an overview of the content and evolution of the rules governing the use of unilateral force in international law, including military intervention on humanitarian grounds and the fight against international terrorism. It focuses on the practice of states and international organizations.

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Flyer presenting the Geneva Human Rights Platform with other publications of the Geneva Academy on display Project

GHRP Briefings

Started in January 2019

The GHRP Briefings provide an opportunity for all stakeholders to discuss the results of the United Nations (UN) Treaty Body (TB) 2020 Review and practical ways to implement change.

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Surveillance Camera Project


Started in June 2019

The ‘Counter-Terror Pro LegEm’ project combines legal analysis with social science research to (1) examine the effectiveness of counterterrorism measures and their effects on human rights and (2) analyse the structure of terrorist networks such as Al Qaeda or the Islamic State and see whether they qualify as ‘organized armed groups’ for the purpose of international humanitarian law.

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Cover Page of Research Brief Publication

Sending Up a Flare: Autonomous Weapons Systems Proliferation Risks to Human Rights and International Security

published on August 2024

Leif Monnett

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Cover of the 2023 Geneva Academy Annual Report Publication

Annual Report 2023

published on July 2024

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