The PhD Forum: Promoting Exchanges Among Peers

18 April 2024

The Geneva Academy PhD Forum provides a space of exchanges and discussions for PhD researchers and experts – in Geneva and beyond – who work in international humanitarian law, international human rights law, international criminal law, transitional justice, international refugee law and selected public international law topics.

At each event, PhD students – who can be based in Geneva but also elsewhere – can present and discuss their work in progress with the main discussant – who can be a PhD peer or a well-established expert with rich experience and knowledge on the topic. Following the discussant’s first reaction to the presentation, the floor is open for further comments or questions from the attendees and discussion with the presenter.

‘Writing a PhD is definitely enhanced by having instances to discuss your ideas and your work in progress with your peers and experts in the field. Even as an attendee, the PhD Forum always inspired me to make progress in my PhD.’ explains our Teaching Assistant Katia Rosenblat, co-coordinator of the PhD Forums.

‘In the first place, the PhD forum provides a platform for discussions that offers PhD students a sounding board for their proposals. Beyond that, it creates an opportunity for PhD students to connect and obtain constructive feedback from experts in their field of interest’, underlines Mina Radoncic, Teaching Assistant and co-ordinator of the PhD Forum.

Upcoming PhD Forum: The criterion of internal legitimacy as a benchmark to decide which NSAGs can be included in law-making

The next session of the PhD Forum will take place on 26 April 2024 at 18:30 (Geneva time) in person at the Geneva Academy and online. To take part in the in-person event, please register here.

Pauline Janssens, who is a PhD Candidate at the KU Leuven Institute for International Law, will present a part of her working paper 'The criterion of internal legitimacy as a benchmark to decide which NSAGs can be included in law-making'.

The main discussant for this event is Dr Ezequiel Heffes, an alumnus of the Geneva Academy and the Director of Watchlist on Children and Armed Conflict.

Drinks will be offered after the session.

To Be Updated about PHD Forums and Register for Upcoming Events

If you are interested in presenting your work and/or in attending the next series of events, you can subscribe to the PhD Forum mailing list.

A registration form for each event and a Zoom link for online participation will be shared via the mailing list. You can also contact the organizers at


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