10 October 2024
On Thursday, 10 October, Ms Nathalie Fontanet, President of the Conseil d'État, presented the 2023 Millésime of the Vigne des Nations to the Geneva Academy of International Humanitarian Law and Human Rights. This award is attributed each year by the Canton of Geneva to an international organisation or association in recognition of their work contributing to a better world.
Each year, the Republic and Canton of Geneva dedicate the latest Millésime from the Vigne des Nations, a State-owned vineyard, to an organisation from International Geneva. In recognition of the 75th anniversary of the Geneva Conventions, the Geneva Academy of International Humanitarian Law and Human Rights (Geneva Academy) was a fitting choice for this honour.
‘Since the first Convention of 1864, humanitarian law has been the cornerstone upon which International Geneva has been built,’ said Ms Nathalie Fontanet. ‘Today, it is imperative to reaffirm the significance of the Geneva Conventions, alongside international law and international humanitarian law. These rules must be studied and widely understood. It is essential that we all serve as ambassadors for their promotion and adherence.’ she said, highlighting the Geneva Academy's reputation.
Mr Alberto Velasco, President of the Grand Council, Ms Guylaine Antille, Mayor of Bernex, and Mr Christian Bovet, President of the Geneva Academy’s Board, attended the ceremony, along with a small number of guests.
‘The support of political authorities for the Geneva Academy's mission is especially vital at a time when international humanitarian law and human rights are increasingly under pressure. The State of Geneva’s gesture towards our institution holds great significance and is deeply appreciated not only by the Geneva Academy but also by our parent institutions, the University of Geneva and the Geneva Graduate Institute. The effort involved in cultivating vineyards serves as a fitting metaphor for the perseverance and resilience we must all embody in advancing these areas of law.’
For more information on international humanitarian law and its history in Geneva: The Geneva Conventions – 160 years of history | International Geneva (geneve-int.ch)
Press release in French available here.
Geneva Academy
Following his election as President of the Human Rights Council, we had the honour of welcoming Ambassador Jürg Lauber for the Geneva Academy's Spring Semester Opening Lecture.
The 2023 Millésime of the Vigne des Nations has been presented to the Geneva Academy by the Canton of Geneva in recognition of their work contributing to a better world.
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UN Photo / Jean-Marc Ferré
A series of events aimed at discussing contemporary issues and challenges related to the promotion and protection of human rights in Geneva and beyond.