
Fighters firing rockets in Libya News

New Research Brief Outlines the Methodology, Research Questions and Focus of a Major Research Project on Armed Non-State Actor

11 December 2019

The Research Brief From Words to Deeds: A Study of Armed Non-State Actors’ Practice and Interpretations of International Humanitarian and Human Rights Norms summarizes the focus, objectives, methodology and research questions of this project.

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Portrait of Jelena Plamenac News

LLM in International Humanitarian Law and Human Rights: What our Alumni Say

10 December 2019

In this interview, our alumna Jelena Plamenac, an international humanitarian lawyer with over 10 years’ experience in practicing humanitarian and human rights law in international criminal justice systems and humanitarian organizations, tells us about the programme and what it brought to her career.

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Cover page of the book News

Two Alumni Edit a New Book on IHL and Non-State Actors

3 December 2019

Two alumni of our LLM in International Humanitarian Law and Human Rights, Ezequiel Heffes and Manuel Ventura are the editors, along with Marcos Kotlik, of a new book on international humanitarian law and non-state actors.

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A UPR session at the UN in Geneva News

New Paper Outlines Lessons from the UPR Process for the National Implementation of UN Treaty Bodies’ Recommendations

28 November 2019

Written by Miloon Kothari, President of UPR Info and former UN Special Rapporteur on the right to adequate housing, it outlines a series of measures, inspired by the UPR, to strengthen the implementation of UN treaty bodies' concluding observations.

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View of the Amerli village in Iraq News

Iraq: An Ongoing Non-International Armed Conflict despite the Claimed Victory against ISIS

19 November 2019

Our new War Report article Iraq: Any Hope for Change? provides an overview of the non-international armed conflict in the country, including information about the classification of the conflict, its history, parties and developments in 2019.

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View of Sinai News

New War Report Article Discusses the Ongoing Armed Violence in Sinai between Egypt and Wilayat Sinai

15 November 2019

Our new War Report article Non-International Armed Conflict To Continue in Sinai? discusses the non-international armed conflict between Egypt and Wilayat Sinai, an armed non-state actor that has pledged loyalty to the Islamic State group.

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Papers related to the Geneva Human Rights Platform on a table News

Geneva Diplomats Discuss Developments around the 2020 Treaty Body Review and Next Steps in New York

8 November 2019

Staff from the Geneva Human Rights Platform, the Office of the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights and invited experts briefed state representatives in Geneva about developments related to the work of UN treaty bodies (TB) and the 2020 TB Review in New York.

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A session of the UN Human Rights Committtee at Palais Wilson News

New Paper Discusses IHL Implementation through Human Rights Mechanisms

31 October 2019

After a reminder on mechanisms established by the Geneva Conventions of 1949 and their additional Protocols of 1977, the paper summarily frames the relationship between IHL and international human rights law and assess the competence and practice of political mechanisms emanating from the Charter of the United Nations, as well as of universal and regional treaty-based mechanisms.

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View of the 2019 Graduation Ceremony News

Three Prizes Reward Graduating Students for their Exceptional Academic Work

29 October 2019

Every year, at the Graduation Ceremony, three students are rewarded for their exceptional academic work via three prizes: the Henry Dunant Research Prize, the Best LLM Paper Prize and the Best MTJ Paper Prize.

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Portrait of Ana Beduschi News

Our New Visiting Fellow: Dr Ana Beduschi

17 October 2019

Dr Ana Beduschi is a Senior Lecturer in Law at the University of Exeter. Her research and teaching focus on international human rights law, technology, as well as international migration and refugee law. She just started as Visiting Fellow at the Geneva Academy and will stay with us until December 2019.

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