
Cover page of the book The Wall and the Gate: Israel, Palestine and the Legal Battle for Human Rights News

February: Two Lectures by Michael Sfard, a Leading Israeli Lawyer Defending Palestinian Victims of Israeli Occupation

29 January 2018

Michael Sfard, a prominent Israeli human rights lawyer, will give two lectures in the week of 26 February, one on his new book and the other one on the new trends and challenges related to the protection of human rights in the  Occupied Palestinian Territories.

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Cover page of the publication News

New Publication on the Role of UN Human Rights Mechanisms in Monitoring the SDGs that Seek to Realize Economic, Social and Cultural Rights

15 January 2018

Our new publication No One Will Be Left Behind looks at the role of United Nations human rights mechanisms in monitoring the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) that seek to realize economic, social and cultural rights.

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Wheat field News

New Research Project on the Right to Seeds in Europe

9 January 2018

The project uses the new draft UN Declaration on the rights of peasants and other people working in rural areas as a reference to promote changes in European laws, policies and trade agreements to ensure that these facilitate the realization of peasants’ right to seeds.

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Participants in a meeting of the Treaty Body Members Platform News

The Treaty Body Members Platform in 2017

22 December 2017

In 2017, the Platform enabled experts from the various treaty bodies to discuss a range of issues among themselves as well as with external experts and practitioners, including the rights of indigenous women, business and human rights, non-refoulement, individual complaint mechanisms and the relationship between treaty bodies and national human rights institutions.

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Portrait of Emilie Di Grazia News

MAS in Transitional Justice, Human Rights and the Rule of Law: What our Students Say

21 December 2017

In this interview, Emilie Di Grazia, currently enrolled in our Master of Advanced Studies in Transitional Justice, Human Rights and the Rule of Law, tells us about the programme, teaching, life in Geneva and what she plans to do after.

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Conservation Rangers from an Anti-Poaching unit work with locals to evacuate the bodies of four Mountain Gorrillas killed in mysterious circumstances in the park, July 24, 2007, Virunga National Park, Eastern Congo. News

Two Members of our Faculty Involved in a Landmark Research Project on the Protection of Animals in Times of Armed Conflicts

21 December 2017

The project will be coordinated by Jérôme de Hemptinne, Lecturer at the Geneva Academy, under the Direction of Robert Kolb, Professor at the University of Geneva and at the Geneva Academy.

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Portrait of Nicolas Michel News

The Iran-United States Claims Tribunal Chooses Nicolas Michel, President of our Board, as its Next President

21 December 2017

Nicolas Michel will officially join the Iran-United States Claim Tribunal (IUSCT) in The Hague on 1 January 2018.

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Foysal Quazi Omar in front of Quai Wilson in Geneva News

LLM in International Humanitarian Law and Human Rights: What our Students Say

18 December 2017

In this interview, Quazi Omar Foysal, currently enrolled in our LLM in International Humanitarian Law and Human Rights, tells us about the programme, teaching, life in Geneva and what he plans to do after.

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Juan Daniel Salazar portrait in front of Lake Geneva News

MAS in Transitional Justice, Human Rights and the Rule of Law: What our Students Say

13 December 2017

In this interview, Juan Daniel Salazar, currently enrolled in our Master of Advanced Studies in Transitional Justice, Human Rights and the Rule of Law, tells us about the programme, teaching, life in Geneva and what he plans to do next.

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Gang violence in Reynosa, Mexico News

Gang Violence in Colombia, Mexico and El Salvador

12 December 2017

Our new publication Gang Violence in Colombia, Mexico and El Salvador analyses three case studies of countries – Colombia, Mexico and El Salvador – that have stood out for their elevated rate of violence, violent homicides and criminal activities linked to confrontations between state forces and armed gangs or between armed gangs themselves.

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