Participation in a Project Led by the University of Essex’s Human Rights Centre

Completed in December 2021

The Geneva Academy was a partner of the Human Rights, Big Data and Technology Project (HRBDT) housed at the University of Essex’s Human Rights Centre.

This project aimed at mapping and analysing the human rights challenges and opportunities presented by the use of big data and associated technologies and at developing good practice guidelines as well as rights-based regulatory responses and remedies to ensure effective human rights enjoyment and protection.


Focus on Regulation of State and Non-State Actors in the Use of Big Data Technology

Our participation in the project focused, via academic research, on issues related to the regulation of state and non-state actors in the use of big data and technology. We notably analysed whether existing regulatory frameworks and mechanisms – like the European Union General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) – are apt to regulate big data and associated technologies while ensuring human rights protection. Drawing from existing regulation theories, the research intends to highlight alternative regulatory approaches that could be used to inform or update current legislation.

Support to Outreach Activities in Geneva

We also provided support for the project’s outreach activities in Geneva with UN human rights mechanisms, diplomats, academics and practitioners via public events, expert meetings and consultations.


Artwork: ‘PɇaceMaker’ by Goin News

Our 2023 Annual Report

8 July 2024

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The Universal Periodic Review and the UN Human Rights System: Raising the Bar on Accountability

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Online folders Project

Digital Human Rights Tracking Tools and Databases

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View of a session of the UN Human Rights Council Project

Human Rights Conversations

Started in January 2020

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Cover of the 2023 Geneva Academy Annual Report Publication

Annual Report 2023

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Treaty Body Follow-Up Review Pilot Series: Final Report

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