15 June 2021, 14:00-15:30
IHL Talks
This online IHL Talk aims at shining light on legal and policy considerations for, and practical challenges to, equitable access to vaccination within territories affected by armed conflict. In addition to defining the legal framework applicable to the provision of vaccines to populations living in an occupied territory, it will also touch upon armed non-state actors’ response to the pandemic and the establishment of vaccination centers in the territories they control. The discussion will finally address overarching considerations of humanitarian policy related to national vaccinations campaigns.
This online IHL Talk discussed the legal and policy considerations for, and practical challenges to, equitable access to vaccination within territories affected by armed conflict.
The IHL Talks are a series of events, hosted by the Geneva Academy, on international humanitarian law and current humanitarian topics. Every two months, academic experts, practitioners, policymakers and journalists discuss burning humanitarian issues and their regulation under international law.
Geneva Academy
The Geneva Academy’s Board has been recomposed with Professor Christian Bovet as the new president, who was recently welcomed at Villa Moynier by the executive committee.
Geneva Academy
At the 34th International Conference of the Red Cross and Red Crescent, we hosted a booth with Geneva Call and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Norway.
In this public lecture Alain Berset, Secretary General of the Council of Europe, will discuss with our director, Paola Gaeta and students from the Geneva Graduate Institute, University of Geneva and Geneva Academy.
This event, co-organized with the ATLAS network, seeks to critically examine how international crimes are investigated, documented, and prosecuted through a gender-competent lens.
This online short course provides an overview of the content and evolution of the rules governing the use of unilateral force in international law, including military intervention on humanitarian grounds and the fight against international terrorism. It focuses on the practice of states and international organizations.
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This project addresses the human rights implications stemming from the development of neurotechnology for commercial, non-therapeutic ends, and is based on a partnership between the Geneva Academy, the Geneva University Neurocentre and the UN Human Rights Council Advisory Committee.
As a yearly publication, it keeps decision-makers, practitioners and scholars up-to-date with the latest trends and challenges in IHL implementation in over 100 armed conflicts worldwide – both international and non-international.