IHL in Focus

Assessing Compliance in Contemporary Armed Conflicts

Started in January 2024

This project aims to become the world’s leading source of data and analysis on current armed conflicts and related IHL violations and implementation challenges.

As a yearly publication, it keeps decision-makers, practitioners and scholars up-to-date with the latest trends and challenges in IHL implementation in over 100 armed conflicts worldwide – both international and non-international. Spot reports produced throughout the year complement this global analysis by shedding light on specific situations, trends or IHL violations that deserve immediate attention.

The first global report is scheduled for release in the fall of 2024 and will be followed by a series of spot reports before the publication of the subsequent edition.

This project builds on our Rule of Law in Armed Conflicts (RULAC) online database that qualifies situations of armed violence using the definition of armed conflict under international humanitarian law.


IHL in Focus Launch Meeting News

Opening Expert Meeting For 'IHL in Focus' Project

22 April 2024

To kick-start the activities of the 'IHL in Focus' project and refine its approach, a two-day expert meeting of representative practitioners and scholars from different disciplines was convened.

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Panel panel ‘(Dis)respecting International Humanitarian Law in today’s armed conflicts: monitoring and reporting’ at the 2024 European Humanitarian Forum News

IHL in Focus Featured at the 2024 European Humanitarian Forum

25 March 2024

Our new research project IHL in Focus – launched at the beginning of the year – has been presented and discussed at the 2024 European Humanitarian Forum, a major yearly event convened by the European Union focusing on prominent humanitarian issues and challenges.

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Yemen,  Sana'a, Faj Attan. Damages to civilian buildings following the fighting. News

A Yearly Global Assessment of IHL Compliance

8 February 2024

We are excited to announce the launch of a new project consisting of the publication of a yearly global annual report assessing compliance with international humanitarian law in contemporary armed conflicts.

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Picture of Gloria Gaggioli

Gloria Gaggioli

Director of the Geneva Academy and Associate/SNF Professor at the Law Faculty, University of Geneva

Gloria Gaggioli is a renowned scholar in international humanitarian law and human rights and has published widely in various fields of public international law.

Portrait of Maud Bonnet

Maud Bonnet

Executive Director

Maud Bonnet is the Executive Director at the Geneva Academy.

Portrait of Dr Erica Harper

Erica Harper

Head of Research and Policy Studies

Erica Harper is a practitioner-academic specializing in international criminal law, human rights law and post-conflict governance.


A Map of the region News

Our Experts and Resources on Israel/Palestine

1 March 2024

Discover our resources and what our experts and alumni say about the current situation in Israel and Palestine, with regular updates to include new events, articles, podcasts and comments.

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A street in Guayaquil News

Is There a Non-International Armed Conflict in Ecuador?

2 February 2024

Ecuadorian President Daniel Noboa started the new year by declaring that there is an ‘internal armed conflict’ against a series of criminal groups operating in the country. Our Research Fellow Dr Eugénie Duss, in charge of RULAC, answers our questions about whether the situation in Ecuador amounts to a non-international armed conflict.

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A session of the UN Human Rights Council Project

IHL Expert Pool

Started in January 2022

The IHL-EP works to strengthen the capacity of human rights mechanisms to incorporate IHL into their work in an efficacious and comprehensive manner. By so doing, it aims to address the normative and practical challenges that human rights bodies encounter when dealing with cases in which IHL applies.

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A destroyed camp for internally displaced persons (IDPs) in Khor Abeche, South Darfur, Project

Understanding the Relationship between Conflict, Security and the Human Right to a Clean, Healthy and Sustainable Environment

Started in May 2023

This project will develop guidance to inform security, human rights and environmental debates on the linkages between environmental rights and conflict, and how their better management can serve as a tool in conflict prevention, resilience and early warning.

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Cover of the 2023 Geneva Academy Annual Report Publication

Annual Report 2023

published on July 2024

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