Executive Master in International Law in Armed Conflict: What Participants Say

Portrait of Ziad Ayoubi Portrait of Ziad Ayoubi

17 May 2019

Ziad Ayoubi is the Head of Livelihoods and Economic Inclusion at the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) Headquarters, overseeing the implementation of the global refugee economic inclusion agenda in the organization.

Previously, Ziad worked for the United Nations (UN) and in microfinance in Lebanon. He holds a Masters in Socioeconomic Development from the Lebanese University and is currently enrolled in our Executive Master in International Law in Armed Conflict.

Why Did You Choose the Executive Master In International Law In Armed Conflict?

I enrolled because the Executive Master in International Law in Armed Conflict is a special opportunity to acquire while working, a strong knowledge of public international law, international humanitarian law, international criminal law and human rights law. I need to learn about these topics and I can’t join a full-time programme due to my work commitments.

Does it Respond to your Expectations?

The programme responds to my expectations and I already feel, even before completing the courses, that I gained a lot of knowledge.

What are the Highlights of the Programme?

Some of the professors have deep knowledge and real-life experience in international law and this makes the discussions very useful and informative. All courses are interlinked and connected and it is great that each professor knows where his course starts and where other professors’ courses end.

A Moment you Particularly Enjoyed?

I enjoy the fact that even someone like me, who doesn’t have a legal background, can engage in legal discussions with very experienced professors. The courses’ environment allows for questions and answers and gives equal opportunity for all students to learn.

What Will it Bring to your Career?

I work in the UN so learning about international law is not only an added value for me, it is a must. The Executive Master will allow me to advance in my career and be capable of performing my duties with an added knowledge of international mechanisms.


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Portrait of Cielo Linares News

Executive Master in International Law in Armed Conflict: What Participants Say

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