Our Director, Professors and Alumni Involved in an Online Regional Summer School on International Humanitarian Law

7 July 2020

The International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) Delegation in Armenia and the American University of Armenia are organizing for the third year a Regional Summer School on international humanitarian law (IHL). Scheduled to take place in Yerevan from 7-11 July 2020, it will take place online due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

The summer school is notably organized by two alumni of our LLM in IHL and Human Rights – Michael Riepl and Evgenia Ivanova who work in ICRC Regional Delegation in Yerevan. Besides our Director Professor Marco Sassòli who will teach a course on the law of occupation, two other members or former members of our Faculty are also involved: Professor Marko Milanovic and Guido Acquaviva.

‘This summer school is a great opportunity for students and young professionals from the region who work in government and non-governmental organizations to get advanced training in IHL that is directly relevant to specific conflict situation they have to address, including military occupations’ underlines Professor Marco Sassòli, Director of the Geneva Academy.

‘It is also a pleasure to see that so many experts related to the Geneva Academy – alumni and professors – are involved in this exercise’ he adds.


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