Clotilde Pégorier Joins the Geneva Academy as our New Head of Education

6 April 2023

The Geneva Academy is pleased to announce the appointment of Dr Clotilde Pégorier as our new Head of Education.

A former lecturer in law at the University of Essex, where she co-directed an international double degree programme, Dr Pégorier brings to the position a solid experience in the direction and management of master’s programmes.

As a leading academic, her research interests and teaching specialisms lie in the fields of international criminal law and human rights law, transitional justice as well as interdisciplinary studies at the intersection of law and the arts. She has written extensively on these issues and also held research and teaching positions at the universities of Zurich, Lucerne and Exeter.

‘With her solid research and teaching expertise in our areas of specialization, coupled with extensive experience in management and the direction of education programmes, Dr Pégorier is the perfect match for this position. I look forward to working with her to ensure that our various programmes continue to uphold the highest standards and equip the next generation of humanitarian lawyers and practitioners with the tools to address the many challenges that arise during and following armed conflicts’ says Professor Gloria Gaggioli, Director of the Geneva Academy.

Leading our Master’s Programmes and Executive Education

As Head of Education, Dr Pégorier will coordinate our master’s programmes and executive education, and lead our Student Office.

‘I very much look forward to contributing to the Geneva Academy aiming at consolidating the excellent work already in place in providing leading postgraduate education in international humanitarian law, human rights and transitional justice. I am also looking forward to working with our expert staff, Student Office and Teaching Assistants and meeting our students of course. Being able to facilitate the training of our future leaders, decision-makers and experts is an exciting opportunity for me and I am delighted to have joined the Geneva Academy.’


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