Briefing No°12: Gender Responsive Due Diligence for Business Actors: Human Rights-Based Approaches

Our new publication Gender Responsive Due Diligence for Business Actors: Human Rights-Based Approaches focuses on the direct responsibilities of business actors to respect and, in some circumstances, facilitate gender equality guarantees under international human rights law. It contributes to the United Nations (UN) working group on business and human rights’ consultation process on the incorporation of a gender perspective into the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights.

As such, it details corporate human rights obligations to respect the equal rights of men, women and gender non-conforming people within the workplace, but also in relation to the wider economic, social and cultural impact of their activities. It uses examples from global supply chains, land-based agricultural investments and conflict zones to documents existing business practices that affect the realization of gender equality.

The publication also provides recommendations as to how companies could engage in human rights due diligence to more effectively prevent, mitigate, account for and remedy gender-related inequalities.


Elizabeth Umlas


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